
A research project

Vulteria started as a research project at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU) in Trondheim. We discovered new ways to apply cutting-edge analysis technology to drastically improve the security of software and streamline the development process. After extensive research and intense development, Vulrep, the automatic vulnerability repair tool, was born.


Innovative at its core

We believe that innovation is the process that will drive the security of today's and tomorrow's IT landscape. We always strive towards perfecting our products and finding new and improved solutions for securing software. Vulteria is proud to have received support of Innovasjon Norge for the development and commercialisation of Vulrep.

With ❤️ from Norway

We are headquartered in Oslo, Norway. To ensure total control and security for our customers, all servers and assets are located in Norway and hosted by Norwegian companies.

Our team

Alexander Marchand-Melsom, CEO

Alexander is a software engineer from NTNU Trondheim, specialised in software development and security. He has extensive knowledge and experience in cybersecurity, with a particular interest for web security and cryptography. He enjoys a good hacking challenge and is certified OSWE.


Duong Mai, CTO

Duong is a software engineer from NTNU Trondheim, with a deep fascination and interest for complex computer systems. He has a specialization in Algorithms and HPC, with knowledge of Software Optimization, Machine-Learning, DeepLearning and Low-level programming.


Alexandre Lepage, CCO

Alexandre is an engineer from ESIEE Paris, specialized in AI and Data management. He has solid experience in managing and commercialising advanced technology solutions.
